Tarot Guidance - Cher Green
A Guide to The Tarot
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Review: Lisboa Tarot
Friday, September 6, 2024
Review: the Fool's New Journey Tarot
Part Two of the Guidebook the author tells two fables which follows the Fool's journey through the traditional Major Arcana Cards and then the New Journey Tarot Cards. "These are designed to illustrate the differences between the traditional Tarot sequence and this wholly new sequence of The Fool's New Journey Tarot."
Part Three of the Guidebook covers working with the deck - questions, sample readings, interpreting, dealing with reversals and other techniques. Three spreads are offered to use specifically for this deck.
Overall, I was very impressed by the guidebook. I enjoyed both stories of the Fool's journey. The card descriptions were interesting. The only issue was the guidebook doesn't open fully. I tried bending the bind, but I couldn't get it to flatten out for easier reading.The cards are easy to shuffle. The card backs allow for reversals. The images are simple, and somewhat cartoonish. The card box is very tight and makes it hard to get the cards in and out.The cardboard slipcase fits tightly over the box, which makes it difficult to pull off and back on. Not sure if it would be worth the trouble, unless its plan is to sit on the shelf.
Although I saw glimpses of the traditional Tarot throughout this deck, I would have to call this a Tarot Oracle. In my opinion, this deck could not take the place of the Tarot deck. But, I'm not sure if it's meant to. The author states, "literally a new journey for The Fool, resetting the style and purpose of the deck more or less back to zero, then taking it to places it has never been before."
While working with the deck, The Wasteland became my stalker card."The Wasteland is the place we make when we forget the meaning of life and take up the dark path of warfare and destruction."
Keywords include: Desolation. Destruction. Stagnation. Loss of direction. Loss of purpose. Abandonment. Environmental failure. Old wounds. Madness.
As I read through the description of the card, the image of the 5 of Swords popped into my mind, but also the 9 of Swords, and a few other cards. "In the individual this speaks of a deeply hidden sorrow for which there seems no cure; yet, we have hope, and if our will allows us, we can search for healing for ourselves."For a deeper look into this deck, here's a sample three card reading. Past, Present, Future position. Question: an overview of where I am, and where I'm going.
44 The Star - "Here we have chosen to show a dancer in the spotlight, symbolically representing you in your desire for success and clearer insight." As a representation of the past, The Star suggests you had an expectation of where you might be at this moment in your life. "-literally the star of your own life."
41 The Clown - "When this card comes up in a reading, you should be wary of your own actions, as well as those of others, being careful not to use mockery as a weapon, which may all too easily turn against you." The Clown, representing the present, may suggest feelings of imposter syndrome. "The face may be painted on in the form of a smile, but beneath this The Clown may be angry, sad, or vindictive." You may feel like you haven't fulfilled your expectations.
47 Judgement - "For most readers today, it is more likely to be seen as a call to rise, not to heaven but to a new direction or purpose in life." As representation of the future, Judgement suggests a time of change, of redirection. "In most readings, depending on the adjacent cards, Judgement reflects a need for change-" If you currently feel you're not where you want to be in life, a change will be necessary to redirect your path. "The card often appears at a time when you may be at a crossroads and need to make the appropriate decision as to which path to take, on the basis of your own judgement."
Overview - Your hopes and expectations may have failed to come to fruition. Instead of sitting with the disappointment, a much-needed change needs to occur in order to redirect your energies toward your dreams. It's never too late to accomplish what you may have strayed from. Take some time to sort out your thoughts and expectations. Make a plan and follow your chosen path.
I was impressed by the resulting readings of this deck. I would recommend it to anyone looking for a new type of reading. The Tarot messages are here, just in a different form. The Fool's New Journey Tarot would make a good deck to any collector, or reader.