The hula hoop spread was introduced to me by a fellow blogger and tarot reader. To view more on this spread and a reading using the spread visit:
Arwen at Musing on the Tarot.
We control many things in our lives, but there are aspects out of our control. Knowing the difference is a great step in better understanding our life. The hula hoop spread gives you an insight into both areas and helps guide you toward a better comprehension of what’s going on around you.
The focus of today’s reading is on a current relationship in my life.
The question: What do I need to know about my hula hoop as far as X is concerned?
The deck:
Legacy of the Divine Tarot 
The spread: The Hula Hoop Spread - 10 Cards
The layout:
2 8 5
3 1 6
4 9 7
1 – What do I need to focus on the most in the situation?
King of Cups (reversed) – The King of Cups reversed is a sweet talker who doesn’t always follow through on his promise. Step lightly around this person and be aware that what seems true may not always be the truth.
My focus should be on the reality of the situation.
2, 3, 4 – What are the three things I do have control over?
4 of Coins – represents financial security, but it also warns against holding on too tight. There is a necessary balance between financial growth and emotional growth.
Page of Swords – The Pages bring news. This Page brings unexpected or upsetting news. Something you believed to be one thing turns out to be something entirely different.
6 of Coins (reversed) – represents a loss of money or property due to carelessness or dishonesty.
I have control over the financial situation, but I must not let it get in the way of other issues. I control my reaction to unexpected news about to be revealed. I control the event that may result in a loss of money or property. (I must keep myself balanced, eyes open, and step cautiously.)
5, 6, 7 - What are three things I think I have control over but don’t?
Knight of Coins – This Knight represents tangible progress.
The Empress (3) – The Empress represents the qualities of a mother: caring, giving, understanding. The card shows motherhood, fertility, and creativity.
10 of Coins – represents family support; a strong family, security and traditions.
I don’t have control of the relationship or the progress it makes. I don’t have control of who I am; I will continue to love and nurture because it’s just who I am. I don’t have control of the ones around me, who will continue to support me. (These are some nice things not to be in control of.)
8 – What balances me?
Ace of Wands – represents energy, new interests, and new directions. A time of inventions and creativity is present.
My creative writing balances me.
9 – What unbalances me?
King of Wands – This King represents the planning of adventures, the ability to understand others’ point of view, clear communications, and emotional connections.
The energies I use to ponder over events and try to understand the actions around me unbalance me. (I tend to over think everything.)
10 – What is the Universe’s message for me in this situation?
7 of Cups (reversed) – represents a veil being lifted, the ability to focus and clear thinking. Taking a new perspective and looking at the realities.
The Universe’s message is to step out from behind the veil which casts shades upon the reality of my situation. Put matters into perspective and take a hard look at the realities.
Interesting reading:
First, my focus should be on reality, and my message is to look hard at that reality. It seems I have control over financial aspects and my reaction to the situation, while I have no control over my relationship’s tangible progress, my caring personality toward the person, or the people who make up my family. My creative writing balances me, while my over thinking of the situation unbalances me. On another note, it seems there are aspects of the relationship that are not what they appear, but this stems back to the over thinking of the situation doesn’t it. The more you think on something, the more tangled it can become.
This reading, using the hula hoop spread, was definitely worth the time. Thank you again, Arwen, for sharing the spread. It was very helpful.
So, what do you think? Feel free to share your thoughts on this spread and/or the reading itself.