Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Review: Lisboa Tarot

Lisboa Tarot - Tarot through the Streets of Lisbon
Author: Beth Seilonen
Red Feather/Schiffer Publishing, 2023

Description: 78 cards, 128-page guidebook, box with magnetic closure lid.

Card Size: 3 x 5

"The Lisboa Tarot was inspired predominantly by a summer visit to the city of Lisbon, Portugal."

The Lisboa Tarot is printed on thick card stock. The deck measures 1 1/2 inches thick. They shuffle fairly well hand over hand. The images have a slightly blurred effect. The colors blue and yellow are predominate in this deck, a little too much for my taste. The images are simple, yet in a way complex. 

"The people that are showcased in the cards are statues found throughout the city." 

The King of Cups - "This King card was inspired by the statue that stands in the small plaza outside the Santa Casa da Misericordia." 

The Four of Wands - "This card was inspired by the gazebo that sits in the Jardim da Estrela. One can find impromptu dancing there in the evenings, with lots of positive vibes."

XI Justice - "This card was inspired by the central figure found in the pediment of the Assembly of the Republic, the Parliament."

The Guidebook, after a short preface and introduction to the deck, dives straight into the cards. Each Major Arcana is presented with its number, name, and a small image. The upright and reversed meanings are given, followed by the details about the image.

The Minor Arcana cards are first presented with an explanation of the overall suit. Each individual card has its name, a small image, the upright and reversed meanings, and details about the image.

The author ends the journey by sharing two spreads, a 5-card (for making choices) and a 7-card (for planning). A short conclusion and about the author section completes the small guide.

Overall, I enjoyed exploring this deck. I wasn't exactly captivated by the images, but the guidebook presentation is worth exploring. Based on the Rider-Waite system, this deck would make a nice addition to the shelf. The readings I did were accurate. I just didn't feel much of a vibe with them.

(Review Product supplied by Schiffer Publishing)