Thursday, May 31, 2012

Repeating Numbers - 555

'555' pushes its way into the picture, nudging '111' out of the way. What does it mean?

Soon after I posted last week's article, I became aware of the multiple appearances of '555'.

Let's turn to the same sources used in last week's post.

Laura Warnke - Intuitive Journal
Changes are coming your way and be ready to forge ahead with your plans. Be absolutely clear about what you want. Do not be afraid of changes in your life, welcome them instead. Although it may not seem like it, the change is for the better. Keep positive thoughts.

Doreen Virtue - Healing with the Angels
Buckle your seatbelts. A major life change is upon you. This change should not be viewed as being "positive" or "negative," since all change is but a natural part of life's flow. Perhaps this change is an answer to your prayers, so continue seeing and feeling yourself being at peace.

Both ladies refer to a change in life. They also warn of not seeing the positive parts of the change.

Change is an interruption in a natural flow of things, which can sometimes seem negative, although the final outcome usually turns out to be a positive step forward. I can think of many changes in my life which seemed to be disasters at the time. I thanked God for those changes after the smoke cleared and I witness the new road before me.

This is a warning, a sign post, to prepare me for this change and hopefully soften the initial blow.

The message puts me in mind of The Tower tarot card.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Repeating Numbers - 111

Did you know repeating patterns can be linked to messages from your spirit guides and angels?

Ever notice a song that keeps playing over and over throughout the day, or over a period of time?

Numbers keeps re-appearing in various locations?

Is this coincidence?  Could it be your imagination? Think again. How else can the spirit world grab your attention?

In December of last year, I posted an article on the subject of seeing repeating numbers. '333' continues to be my most noticed message, but now '111' has begun appearing.

On May 18, I noticed a license plate ending with '111'. Today, May 19, my coffee pot clock grabbed my attention with '111'. So, I wanted to look this sequence up again to see what may be going on.

First, it's kind of hard to figure these things out, because so many interpretations are out there. As when interpreting a dream, you really have to try to go with gut feeling. Of course your spirit guides and angels are talking to you, so you could always set up your own meanings. Then, they will know which numbers to use to grab your attention.

I haven't taken the time to do this, so I turn to others for help. After looking through a few internet and book sources, I settled on these two.

Laura Warnke - Intuitive Journal
111 - Truth, your real self, follow this thought, it is the beginning of a new path aligned with your soul’s purpose. This is a time to realize you need to break away from the old thought patterns and ways of thinking and realign with the truth and your path in this lifetime.

Doreen Virtue - Healing with the Angels
111 - Monitor your thoughts carefully, and be sure to only think about what you want, not what you don't want. This sequence is a sign that there is a gate of opportunity opening up, and your thoughts are manifesting into form at record speeds. The 111 is like the bright light of a flash bulb. It means the universe has just taken a snapshot of your thoughts and is manifesting them into form. Are you pleased with what thoughts the universe has captured? If not, correct your thoughts (ask your angels to help you with this if you have difficulty controlling or monitoring your thoughts).

Both of these ladies refer to thought patterns and aligning your thoughts with truth (what you want, not what you don't want.)

Overall, I believe, my spirit guides want me to take notice of my thoughts. Stay positive and truthful to myself. This is a warning of negative thoughts manifesting negative results. But also, an attention grabber: positive thoughts manifest positive outcomes.

To be honest, yes, I've been out of sorts and have allowed some negative thoughts to sprout. This is my wake up call to quit doing this and get back to the positive side of life.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

A Message from the Angels

Healing with the Angels, is a wonderful deck by Doreen Virtue. The beauty of the artwork and the color borders makes this '44-card' deck a wonderful addition to my collection. Below, I've asked the angels for guidance.

Doreen Virtue is also the author of the Healing With The Angels book, among other books and angel oracle decks.

How can I better connect with my higher self?

Cards pulled: Meditation, Healing (Reversed), and Support

First, I will point out, this deck does not suggest the use of reverse cards, but Healing not only fell out during shuffling, but also appeared reversed in the reading.

Past - Meditation - This card suggests quieting the mind to allow the voices of the angels to be heard.

Meditation isn't an easy task for me. The only time I manage to get close to a quiet mind is moments before sleep takes over. With this card, I take it to mean the angels are speaking to me, if only I will listen.

Present - Healing - This card suggests a healing has occurred, but may not be realized for focusing on 'what's wrong'.

By falling from the deck and appearing reversed, this card takes on a blocked aspect for me. I'm not allowing the healing process to take place. The guided path is to surround the situation with healing thoughts and release it to the angels.

Future - Support - This card suggests a strong support and guidance system from God, the angels, and the ascended masters. It also suggests the questioner to be more than supported by, but a part of this group.

This protection and guidance has not been lost to me. I'm very aware of the protective shield around me and a lighted path before me. I believe the appearance of this card is to bring to my attention I am more than a protected soul, but a part of a larger group, which is so for us all. This is not a lone journey, but a collaboration of souls.

Overview: To better connect with my higher self, I need to allow the voices to be heard and accept the healing process. The outcome shall be feeling the connection of the larger group.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Tarot Playbook by Lynda Cowles

The Tarot Playbook
by Lynda Cowles
The Tarot Playbook: 78 novel ways to connect with your cards
The Tarot Playbook presents a number of play dates for you and your tarot decks. Subscribe to be notified of new postings. The activities range from fun to ridiculously silly. Read complete review. Subscribe to be notified of new articles as they appear live on my Examiner page.

One activity, based on The Hanged Man, is called Cliffhangers. The play date requires a television, pencil and paper, and discovering what will happen on the next episode of your favorite show.

Sound fun?

Based on the last Episode of Awake, aired May 3rd. Warning: Possible Spoilers.

Season One, Episode 10: Britten and Bird size up a possible case of gang violence. Before long, clues from Britten's parallel realm force him to give the case a harder look. Elsewhere, Hannah offers a helping hand to Rex's girlfriend; Capt. Harper can't fulfill a promise; and Vega puts Britten's going-away party into motion.


Grandparents: Will Britten and Hannah find a way to keep their soon-to-arrive grandchild nearby?
Reality: Will Britten discover which of his realities is real?
Danger: Will Capt. Harper succeed in keeping Britten safe, or is danger on its way?

Grandparents: 10 Wheel of Fortune - destiny, a new phase - The arrival of their grandchild is a part of a bigger plan for these two. They will indeed succeed in being a part of the child's life and it will lead these two into the next journey in their relationship. What brings two people together more than a new child, even if it does come with the attachment of a new girl and her growling parents?

Reality: 6 of Pentacles (reversed) - refusal to share - Britten will continue to hang on to his two realities, at least for another episode. He's determined to make this work for him, and refuses to let anything shatter his illusion.

Danger: 6 The Lovers - choices, relationships - Capt. Harper will do her best to protect Britten, and may even be willing to sacrifice herself and the truths she hides. Overall, this is a good woman, who just happens to have stepped into some dark areas. Britten is important to her, and she will step as close to the edge as she can to keep him and his family safe. If it is enough, remains to be seen.

Tune in tonight to discover if these predictions ring true. Have a wonderful evening.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Four of Pentacles - Reflections

The Four of Pentacles is the financially secure card.

As I look upon the four of pentacles, from the Crystal Visions Tarot deck, I have a passing thought of Scrooge. The woman holds tightly to the pentacles, determined to not let go.

What she doesn't notice is the wealth of fruit on the apple tree, the beautiful crystals and stones, and the golden stack of coins below her. She has no reason at all to hold on so tightly, her wealth is abundant. She can relax.

This card suggests you adjust your focus. Spending too much time worrying about what could be lost may keep one from gaining.

You can almost see 'The Fool' approaching this young lady and giving her a lesson in taking the giant leap of faith. She should allow herself to leave her possessions, if only to gain more possessions, but also to gain knowledge, love, and to live life.