Friday, October 7, 2011


I find myself in a position of unbalance and what feels like chaos. In truth, I’ve put myself in a spot where I can’t keep up with everything. I have no time for writing, reading, and all the other projects I’ve set up. I need to be advertising my book. I need to be preparing for whatever the post office might throw at me, in terms of do I have a job or not.

I’ve went about the process of pulling in editorial work, but you can imagine this is a struggle. Between post office work and editing jobs my time is sparse. So, it’s time to make changes and make some sacrifices. I’m going to take this slow, in hopes everything will come together in time.

What does this have to do with the blogs? Cuts start here. I’ve met so many people through both my blogs and gained so many friends and acquaintances. My two blogs are my home away from home, and closing them down would be like killing my friend. So, to keep from closing them, I’ve chosen to cut back instead. Please bear with me through the changes, and hopefully one day life will settle down and I can go back to the old routine.

Here is the schedule I plan to keep for now.

Tuesdays - Footsteps of a Writer (I do have a few guest blogs and interviews set up which will not correspond with this day.)

Thursdays – Tarot Guidance

Sundays will be set aside for any type of reviews: Writing How to Books, Fiction Books, Tarot Cards, Spiritual Books, etc. (These posts will occur when available, not weekly.)

Wednesday will be promo day. Any exciting news about my writing journey will appear on this day. (These posts will occur when available, not weekly.)

The Newsletter will continue as usual, releasing during the first week of each month.

If you are interested in guest blogging or being interviewed on either blog, please contact me, and we’ll get you set up.

You don’t know how much weight has lifted off my shoulders just by this one change. Cutting my blogging in half will allow a little more room to move. I hope you all understand this slight change, and chose to continue following my journey through life.

Best wishes,


Inner Whispers said...

Hi Cher,

Sorry things have been so tough! Still, it's good that you've found a way to lighten the load. Respecting your own needs sounds eminently sensible. And I'll still be glad to read your posts when you have time and energy for them :)

Best wishes,

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the support.
