Over the last month, I've experienced much turmoil. The chaos has materialized as computer crashes and mechanical problems in multiple vehicles. On the emotional/spiritual side, I've felt a heavy dark veil looming over me, an overwhelming sense of dread, and a constant feeling of negativity. Two days ago, the darkness lifted away, leaving me unusually tired and out of sorts.
This morning I've turned to my
Sacred Circle deck. I asked, "What do I need to work on over the next few days?"
My answer came in the form of the King of Cups - the power of Water.
As I study the card, I see a sense of confusion. The king offers greetings to the left, while his companion is interested in something to the right. The waters are calm, while the sky is stormy. The king looks delighted, while his companion seems weary and alert of the approaching aspects.
I need to work on my emotional balance.
Although the elements of the card seem to be conflicting, they are also balanced to a point - everything seems as it should. Neither the king nor his companion shows agitation or grief. They simply are in unison with one another. One looks toward the past, while the other looks to the future.
The companion book to this deck speaks of developing your watery side, exploring the depths of your feelings, and showing your emotions. This king has the capacity for nurturing, affection, empathy, and intuition. His companion suggests loyalty to another, and being friendly and loving. Are you being too cynical? Do you have the feeling others are working against you?
All of these details made me sit up and look around.
My negative feelings are manifesting all around me. I have control over my own emotions, yet I allow others to put me in bad moods, to bring me down to their level. I feel as if others let me down, but really they are only letting themselves down. I need to get in contact with my own emotions and let go of what others bring to me. By focusing on myself, rather than the actions of others, I shall find that healthy balance and not fall victim to the dragging down of outside forces.
Feel free to share your thoughts. Do you have a process which helps you shield yourself from the energies of others? A process to keep you focused on you and your own emotional balance?