Thursday, April 19, 2012

Eight of Earth - Reflections

Today, I asked for a reflection card.

The Eight of Earth (Pentacles) is the work card. It represents using your skills and/or learning a new trade.

As I look upon the cards image, from the Today's Journey Tarot deck, I see a workplace in which all tools are available. The worker uses these tools and his skills to produce unique stones. The colors of the jewels are that of the Chakra. He is focused, grounded, and productive.

From the companion book: "We create our own prosperity. Positive thoughts alone are not enough."

This card suggests you reflect upon your goals. It's not only important to have the skills, the workplace, and the tools - productivity only occurs when you actually use these to move further down the road toward your goal. It suggests evaluating the skills you have, learning the skills you may need, gathering the needed tools, and focusing on the project at hand.

"It's time to get to work."

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