Tarot for the Fiction Writer
Author: Paula Chaffee Scardamalia
Author: Paula Chaffee Scardamalia
Schifffer Publishing, 2019
Description: Hard cover book, 159 pages
Tarot for the Fiction Writers offers a look at your journey as a writer, but also the journey of your character through the story. The author explores each card – what the card represents, how that relates to you, questions to ask concerning you, how it relates to your character, and questions to ask your character.
After a quick introduction, the author covers the basics of the Tarot - from choosing your deck, Tarot structure, numerology, court cards, and spreads. The coverage is brief but accomplishes a good foundation to begin working with the cards.
The book is divided into Four Parts. At the end of each, the author has provided multiple pages for you to take notes. Part One includes the Tarot basic introduction, covers the Fool to the Emperor, and delves into the court cards. Part Two runs from the Hierophant to the Tower. Part Three explores the Star to the World. Part Four wraps it all up and offers a few spreads to help in your storytelling. The author closes the book with resource pages of writing and tarot recommendations, and a quick reference guide of the cards.
Throughout the book, the author cross-references Tarot figures with fiction characters and fiction works. There’s a broad range from Dumbledore to Princess Leia, and from Jewel of the Nile to Top Gun. You are sure to find some familiar connections within the text.
But, will this book help you be a better writer?
Yes, I believe that by exploring your own journey and the characteristics of your character, you could very well come to the end of the book with a better understanding of being a writer.
What I don’t see here is a book that will take you from idea to publication, at least not in a step by step method. Your best approach to this book would be to explore the contents, the questions, and the information as it pertains to you and the different characters you may create. And then apply that new knowledge to your work.
I recommend Tarot for the Fiction Writer to the tarot reader for a deeper look at the Major Arcana cards and the Court Cards. I recommend it to writers who wish to get a better outlook on themselves as writers and a new connection with their characters.
Grab your copy from Schiffer Publishing.
(Review Product supplied by Schiffer Publishing)