Monday, September 17, 2018

Review: The Everyday Enchantment Tarot

The Everyday Enchantment Tarot
Finding Magic in the Midst of Life
Author: Poppy Palin
Schiffer Publishing, 2018
Description: Tarot Deck and 173 page Guidebook
Card Size: 3 3/4 X 5 1/2 inches

The guidebook gives a brief introduction of the deck and how to use them, but the bulk of the book covers the cards, giving keywords and then details on the Image, the Story, and the Meaning.

The cards in this deck feature humans, animals, and more. Besides our creature-kin, each card depicts unseen beings - members of realms more nebulous and less tangible than ours yet just as real. This is a very busy and detailed deck. There's a lot going on in each card. I normally don't like this type of deck, but the everyday scenes make it appealing.

The World - Five women knit a living landscape. Sparkling waters rush onward while three deer and a frog jump across the living flow and a trout leaps in a spray. The Story begins - Here we sit at the end of the world. But this isn't Armageddon - we women are co-creators with nature, not destroyers. The Meaning begins - The world never stops turning, but this card marks a moment between one revolution and the next. It's like the pause between breaths, imperceptible but inexorable until this life ends. 

The Nine of Coins - Rich Rewards shows a lady sitting in a stylish room sipping from a small cup. Everything is nice and in its place, except for the purse with its spilled coins. And, notice the unseen companion above the cat, composed and balletic. The Story begins - Some look at me and think "inherited wealth and a life of privilege" but how wrong they are! I got where I am today through assiduousness, not from coasting on another's money.

The Four of Blades - Hear a Pin Drop shows a man sitting in meditations in front of a tent. The outdoor scene works wonderfully for this card of rest and relaxation. From the meaning - Can we slow down so we don't hit the wall that's looming or are we about to crash and burn?

I recommend this deck to anyone looking for something a little different than a classic Tarot deck. While it follows the Rider-Waite deck for the most part, there are extra meanings and symbolism in each of these cards.

Grab your copy from Schiffer Publishing.

(Review Product supplied by Schiffer Publishing)

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