Monday, June 2, 2014

Metamorphosis - Life Transformations

I pulled out my Magical Times Empowerment Cards by Jody Bergsma. This is a wonderful deck for receiving intuitive information concerning your higher path and current energies.

The little white book suggests using reversals which indicate an imbalance of the card's energy. Spreads and card affirmations are also included in the booklet. But, this isn't actually a review. I will say I do love this 44-card deck.

So, I asked the cards, "What path should I choose this week as I move into the new month of June?"

Metamorphosis: Trust the Process and be Patient. Becoming Cannot be Rushed. Change is Beautiful.

I got excited when I saw the wonderful image of this magical butterfly.

I'm not one to enjoy change. I like to have a routine of sorts, to know what comes next. But to be honest, change is necessary in my life, especially at this point. I spent a couple of weeks in May feeling depressed and actually giving up on ever getting beyond the current point of my life.

The bad (or good, depending on the viewpoint) thing is life is really good right now, better than it's ever been. But, to stay in one point, to not move forward, to go through life simple and easy with no challenge, well that's just a little too boring. I need the feel of movement, of improving, of achieving more. But, when you work most of the day, come home, eat, and go to bed, there's not much left for doing MORE.

I heard somewhere that before a big life change there is always a pause, the quiet before the storm. Perhaps the moment of deflating was just that, the time before the shift, before the rise, before the transitioning stage. I've only risen out of the hole over the past few days. There have been some signs (without going into major details - a child and a fawn) pointing toward 'new beginnings, something new hitting me out of the blue.'

The little white book offers affirmations for each card, but they are long. I like short and sweet.

Affirmation: Change is a process, a rhythm in life. I accept what is changing and I release what I cannot control.


Ellen said...

Hi Cher I am happy to hear you are feeling better. Sometimes life is just not that exciting.(I know:)) For me it helps to find joy in the little things and knowing this breathing out will be followed by breathing in, This will change,that is inevitable.
The deck is beautiful. I've seen her artwork in the Spirit of the Wheel oracle
Take care!

Cher Green said...

Ellen, Thanks for stopping by and your supportive words. It's true. The little things are important and I need to pay more attention to such. Lots of signs are in my view, if only I can be present and listen. I'm working on this. :)