Monday, June 10, 2013

Tarot, Music, and Movies

Christy Talbot, aka Tarot Girl Next Door, recently began putting together playlists for the Major Arcana, available to view on her blog and YouTube.

Azul Arco Iris offers Playlist Divination. She intuitively selects songs creating a playlist based on your reading request, general or specific question. When complete, the playlist is available for viewing on YouTube. I tried her service, couldn't resist. The results were amazing!

Making creative connections to the Tarot can help you remember the key meanings of the cards, but it can also tune you into your intuitive side. During readings, you will be more open to the available bursts of short lyrics, images, and thoughts.

Plus, it’s fun to make these connections. And once you start, you’ll begin seeing aspects of life more easily connect back to the cards, adding to your database of card meanings and impressions.

Take the court cards for instance. If you continue to have trouble connecting, try relating them to relatives, celebrities or even characters in your favorite television shows. This will give you a trigger to start with when doing a reading.

Here are two examples of such connections.

For me, Jack Sparrow is the perfect example of the Fool.

  • Always ready for a new adventure
  • Never has a plan
  • Enjoys life
  • Never gives up
  • Follows his heart’s desire (with the help of his compass, of course)

8 of Cups

  • Leaving the past behind
  • Moving on, not looking back
  • A turning point
  • Seeking new horizons
  • Directing energies in a new direction

Don’t Turn Around by Ace of Base – Not from the point of view of the figure, but of the cups being left behind, permission to set off on his new journey, assurance that everything will be fine (even if it's a sad moment.)

Do you use creative connections with the Tarot? Are there certain cards you find difficult? Need a suggestion on a connection?


Christiane said...

Playlist divination is such a fab idea...wish I had thought of that ;) And Jack Sparrow also reminds me of the Magician...somehow he always manages to get out of trouble and make things work...and he can talk people into anything lol ;)

Thank you for this inspiring post!

Cher Green said...

Glad you enjoyed the post. Magician gives me the image of Harry Potter, he has everything he needs to succeed, knowledge and skills, but one is hidden and the other must be learned - it's all there for him, ready for him to use.